const RedisPool = require("node-redis-connection-pool");
const pick = require("lodash.pick");
const isJSON = require("is-json");
const debug = require("debug")("simpleRedisStore");
* @constructor
* @param {object} options - Accepts properties ["name", "redisOptions", "poolOptions", "logger"]
* @param {string} - Name your store
* @param {object} options.redisOptions - opts from [node_redis#options-object-properties]{@link}
* @param {object} options.poolOptions - opts from [node-pool#createpool]{@link}
* @param {object} options.logger - Inject your custom logger
const RedisStore = module.exports = function (options) {
options = pick(options, ["name", "redisOptions", "poolOptions", "logger"]); = || `redisStore-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10)}`;
this.redisOptions = options.redisOptions;
this.poolOptions = options.poolOptions;
this.logger = require("./logger")(options.logger);
this.pool = null;
try {
this.pool = new RedisPool({
redisOptions: this.redisOptions,
poolOptions: this.poolOptions,
logger: this.logger
// // since pool factory events are not triggered due to retry issue; a workaround
// this.testConnection()
// .then((res) => {
// console.log("#########################", res)
// debug("Redis store created.", this.pool.status())
// });
// this.pool.acquire()
} catch (e) {
debug("Failed to create", e);
this.pool = null;
throw e;
RedisStore.prototype.testConnection = function () {
debug("PING to test connection");
.then(resp => {
if (resp !== "PONG") {
debug("expected PONG but got", resp);
const err = new Error("UNKNOWN_PING_RESPONSE");
err.message = "expected PONG but got : " + resp;
throw err;
.catch(e => {
debug("Failed to PING", e);
this.logger.error("Test connection failed", e);
throw e;
* Returns for this pool
* @returns {string} Name of the pool
RedisStore.prototype.getName = function () {
return this.pool.getName();
* Returns this.redisOptions for this pool
* @returns {object} redis options given
RedisStore.prototype.getRedisOptions = function () {
return this.pool.getRedisOptions();
* Returns this.poolOptions for this pool
* @returns {object} pool options given
RedisStore.prototype.getPoolOptions = function () {
return this.pool.getPoolOptions();
* Send redis instructions
* @param {string} commandName - Name of the command
* @param {array} commandArgs - Args sent to the command
* @returns {promise} Promise resolve with the result or Error
RedisStore.prototype.sendCommand = function () {
return this.pool.sendCommand.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns 'PONG'
* @returns {string} 'PONG'
*/ = function () {
return this.sendCommand("ping");
* Returns value or null when the key is missing - See [redis get]{@link}
* @param {string} key - key for the value stored
* @returns {string} value or null when the key is missing
RedisStore.prototype.get = function (key) {
return this.sendCommand("get", key)
.then(function (value) {
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// do nothing
return value;
* Returns 'OK' if successful
* @param {string} key - key for the value stored
* @param {string} value - value to stored
* @param {number} ttlInSeconds - time to live in seconds
* @returns {string} 'OK' if successful
RedisStore.prototype.set = function (key, value, ttlInSeconds) {
value = Array.isArray(value) || isJSON(value, true) ? JSON.stringify(value) : value;
if (ttlInSeconds) {
return this.sendCommand("setex", [key, ttlInSeconds, value]);
} else {
return this.sendCommand("set", [key, value]);
* Returns the number of keys that were removed - See [redis del]{@link}
* @param {array} keys - list of keys to delete
* @returns {number} The number of keys that were removed.
RedisStore.prototype.del = function (keys) {
return this.sendCommand("del", keys);
* Returns 1 if the timeout was set/ 0 if key does not exist or the timeout could not be set - See [redis expire]{@link}
* @param {string} key - key to set expire
* @param {number} ttlInSeconds - time to live in seconds
* @returns {number} 1 if the timeout was set successfully; if not 0
RedisStore.prototype.expire = function (key, ttlInSeconds) {
return this.sendCommand("expire", [key, ttlInSeconds]);
* Returns TTL in seconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error - See [redis ttl]{@link}
* @param {string} key - list of keys to delete
* @returns {number} TTL in seconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error
RedisStore.prototype.ttlInSeconds = function (key) {
return this.sendCommand("ttl", key);
* Returns all keys matching pattern - See [redis keys]{@link}
* @param {string} pattern - glob-style patterns/default '*'
* @returns {array} all keys matching pattern
RedisStore.prototype.keys = function (pattern) {
if (!pattern || pattern === "") {
pattern = "*";
return this.sendCommand("keys", pattern);
* Deletes all keys matching pattern
* @param {string} pattern - glob-style patterns/default '*'
* @returns {array} The number of keys that were removed.
RedisStore.prototype.deleteAll = function (pattern) {
if (!pattern || pattern === "") {
pattern = "*";
debug("clearing redis keys: ", pattern);
return this.keys(pattern)
.then(keys => {
if (keys.length > 0) {
debug("deleting keys ", keys);
return this.del(keys);
} else {
debug("no keys exists with pattern: ", pattern);
return Promise.resolve(true);
* Returns pool status and stats
* @returns {object} pool status and stats
RedisStore.prototype.status = function () {
return this.pool.status();